
Saturday, July 16, 2016

A Different Way to do Cinnamon Rolls!

Ok so clearly you can open a can of delicious cinnamon rolls and put them in the oven and wait 20 minutes, or you could just use your waffle iron ! Yes you heard that right, use your waffle iron. This is super simple, easy, and effortless and takes under 10 min. 

So first you start with heating up your waffle iron. I warmed the icing a bit by running under hot water while I was waiting. Once it's heated the rest is easy! 
Spray your waffle iron and place cinnamon roll in the middle. 

Close your waffle iron and it will let you know when their done, it takes less than a minute. 

This is what the finished Cinnamon Roll Waffle looks like. Just take it out and keep going until they are all done and top with the icing. These are so good. They have the outer crispiness of a waffle and insides are soft like a regular cinnamon roll. They definitely have a bit of a different taste but they are so good, ok and I know not that good for you. 

There are so many other things you can do with a waffle iron and I can't wait to keep trying them! I've got a few on my list this week.

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