
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Missing My Old Kentucky Home

One of my favorite spots and my husbands also in the fall is going home to Kentucky to Keenland in Lexington. Kentucky is where my husband and I both grew up, it's our home and always will be even though we have lived there in over 7 years, and such a beautiful place. It really is one of those places that gets in your blood and will always be there. You really respect the place you grew up, it's heritage and so many things you took for granted when you move away.  

I'm  missing Keenland this  year, and it gets an extra weekend for Breeders Cup today which is a race that's pretty cool to experience in person. My husband took me several years ago when it was at Churchill Downs in Louisville and it was a cold but fun day. However there is just something about Keenland. It's just so beautiful, and I enjoy it more than  Churchill, and  I spent a year working there doing a marketing internship during college. 

Last year we spent my 30th birthday there ( the pictures are from that trip) , it was great to celebrate with friends from home, North Carolina and one of my Disney best friends  for the closing weekend. Even more fun to introduce people who had never been. 

It's the beauty of watching the horses walk the paddock, the old stone everywhere. Watching the artist sit and paint. Tailgating with friends, betting on races and enjoying the beautiful fall foliage. 

Keenland only races twice a year for Spring and Fall meet and it's worth a trip to Kentucky! Even better hit the bourbon trial while your there too. Woodford Reserve is only about 15-20 min away and one of my favorite distilleries and my favorite bourbon.  The drive out there in the fall is beautiful. Stop and have lunch at Wallace Station. It's always busy and worth the wait! 

Today I'll enjoy the Breeders Cup and Keenland from afar and watch the races on TV.  We can not wait to take our little girl there one day, and hope she enjoys the ponies as much as her daddy and I do! 


  1. Well said Megan. Maybe I can babysit Emma Kate during the Spring race (you know she will be too little to take her with you). haha I'm sure Cindi, Melissa and the twins will volunteer to help! Love you. Grandma/Gigi

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