
Friday, November 27, 2015

These are a few of my favorite things!

So it's Black Friday which means its officially Christmas season!! I love all the special treats that are only available this time of year so I wanted to share some of my favorite!  

My all time favorite Ghiradelli Peppermint Bark! The Dark Chocolate is my favorite of the 2 and nothing else seems to even compare. Its a true addiction and a good thing it isn't around all year.

I don't even drink soda like ever ( an occasional Ginger ale or Ale 8 with bourbon)  but this time of year I treat myself on occasion and craved this ginger ale the end of pregnancy hence the empty bottle, and is a soda I drink this time of year but not often. The Sierra Mist one is really good too and I had to grab it when I couldn't find the ginger ale.

You can't go wrong with the classic Little Debbie Christmas Tree cakes. Yes they are terrible for you but such a great treat!

Seriously why do Reese's taste better in shapes. I love these anytime of year they come out in shapes but Christmas Trees are the best!

A new favorite this year Angie's Boom Chicka Pop Holidrizzle flavors. Their Kettle Corn is a go to treat for me, its organic and low cal for a great sweet tooth snack. So these flavors make it all that much better. There is still a Frosted Sugar cookie and White Chocolate Peppermint one I need to find to try but these 2 are great and the Dark Chocolate Sea Salt is my favorite!

Another peppermint item. These come in white chocolate which I like too but I love Dark Chocolate and all things peppermint!

My favorite coffee treat of the season in CAribou Coffee Ho Ho Mint Mocha. There you can choose what kind of chocolate you want so I go with dark and white and they melt real chocolate chips in your drink! They also top it with real candy cane pieces and I love that they have almond milk now. I rarely hit up Starbucks anymore I just think their coffee is so much better!

And yes a non food or drink item! Bath and Body Works Fresh Balsam Candle. No other Balsam candle compares I have tried. These are worth every penny and watch for their sale and stock up because non of their candles disappoint!

I promise all the food items are not consumed at once. There are so many other things I love too.  I stocked up on some things the end of pregnancy to have the treats in the house because I knew I may not be going out much the first few weeks our baby girl is here.  What are some of your favorite Christmastime treats?

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