
Monday, January 18, 2016

Tasty Tuesday Sweet Potato Fries

Are you guilty of buying that frozen bag of fries because it's "easier" to dump on the pan and throw in the oven? That was me. I love sweet potato fries. 

So here is an easy recipe to make them at home, and I mean so easy your husband could do it if he isn't kitchen savvy. 

Here is what you need : 
Sweet potato 
Olive Oil or Coconut Oil
Sea Salt ( you could use other seasonings also but I just keep it simple) 

I use one sweet potato for just the two of us. Clean it, peel if you would like, I leave the skin on. Cut the potato in fry like strips. Preheat your oven to 400 while you are doing this. 

Put the fries into a bowl and drizzle with olive oil or coconut oil I've used both, and sprinkle with salt. Then spread on baking sheet. 

Bake at 400 for 25-30 min or until your liking. Sometimes for me it varies as to how thick or thin the slices are. Thinner slices take less time to cook. Let cool and serve! 
These are so easy and to be honest we have both said we enjoy them much better. Also they aren't processed and you know 100% what is going on them. This is another great healthy easy treat for your upcoming super bowl party just make a larger batch depending on how many people you expect! 

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