
Monday, January 11, 2016

Tasty Tuesday! Spinach Quinoa Egg Scramble

Tasty Tuesday is back, and hopefully regular blog post as well. If you don't know I had a baby just a little over 7 weeks ago so getting the hang of this new mommy thing! Anyways more on all that in another post. 

With a new year, a lot of BIG goals for myself for the year ( I'm setting goals not resolutions) and wanting to lose the remainder of my baby weight, get in the best shape of my life this year and to make a full lifestyle change and stick to it. Tasty Tuesday will be all about clean eats, with an occasional treat here and there. 

Yesterday I found myself with a little quiet time in the morning and time to actually make breakfast. Sunday we started the 21 Day Fix which was intended to be started last week and we did follow the meal plan pretty well but I wasn't quite ready for the workouts. I've  been having things like egg cups and yogurt with homemade granola prepped that I've made over the weekends while my husband would help with the baby (he is an amazing help, I don't even have to ask) so we could ensure we were eating well. This year is truly about lifestyle change for us. 

When I found myself with this time I decided to try a new recipe I found on pintrest that I had everything for because all 3 items are staples in my fridge for clean eats. I always have spinach and eggs even when I'm not at my best, and quinoa is always something I like to keep a cooked batch of in the fridge. Goes well with dinners and other things and it's nice to make a big batch and just warm it up. So all you need for this is those 3 items. Spinach, eggs and Quiona. 

I used 2 eggs, about 1 cup of spinach (one green on the 21 Day fix) and about 1/4 -1/2 cup of Quiona ( one yellow container on the fix) which is why I'm not sure the exact measurements. I cracked 2 eggs in a small bowl and scrambled with a fork and added a little Pink Sea Salt and Pepper. Threw them in a skillet with the spinach and while the eggs were still a little runny added the quinoa. I also added a little Parmesan cheese,  only about 1/4 a blue container because I needed the rest for dinner later but you can add more. I think goat cheese would be great too! Topped it with a little hot sauce and done. You could add more  veggies and any other seasonings you like. This would also be a great easy dinner or lunch. So there ya go. Stay tuned I'm going to get back at blogging regularly again just may take some time. I'm soaking up all the time I can with my sweet girl because I've heard they grow up to fast and I already feel that way! 

***Interested in the 21 Day fix and online accountability groups? Shoot me an email at or message me on social media, I would love to chat! ***

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