
Saturday, January 16, 2016

Becoming Parents

I feel like the last 8 weeks have been a whirlwind. Between the birth of our beautiful baby girl, the holidays and visits from out of town family and friends I was happy when the new year rolled around to just be able to try and get in a normal routine as a family. 

Our sweet Girl was born Thursday November 19th, 2015 @ 10:56 pm and weighed 6lbs 9oz and was 20 inches long. I'm not going to lie her tiny little size was a big surprise to my husband and I both. He is 6'4" and I am 5'10", my husband was a pretty big baby at around 10 lbs and me a little over 7lbs so I was expecting atleast an 8lb baby, but as my husband has nicknamed her "Tiny", I love my sweet tiny girl. By the time we went to the doctor the following Monday she weighed in at 6lbs, but she sure doesn't have any issues growing now. I keep saying now she is my long skinny baby and I'll be excited to see how long she is at her 2 month appointment next week. There are some 3 month sleepers she can't wear anymore because of her length, yet they are loose everywhere else. 

Becoming a mommy has been the most amazing, incredible, rewarding thing I have ever experienced. You carry your baby for 9 months, your body protects them, feeds them, provides for them it's still just pure amazing that our bodies can do this. Then you give birth and the instant connection, over pouring of love, (which you already had as they grew inside of you) the feeling of immediately not knowing or remembering what your life was like before this beautiful child entered your world, and not even wanting to remember because your world has completely changed in an instant and you don't want to revisit your old life. The way you instantly love your husband differently when he truly becomes a Dad and you fall even more in love with him,  as he stands with tears in his eyes, as he tells you how amazing you are and how proud of you he is. How he instantly feels the same instant connection with this child he has been talking to inside your belly for months. (Atleast my husband did, every day)  Your world changes, his world changes, your world together changes. These are the  moments that make everything, every day spent sick, every pain your body experienced, every sleepless night and those to come, every ounce of anxiety you may have faced about labor and becoming parents, and everything else all worth it. 

We are blessed. God is so good and has blessed us beyond measure. Becoming a parent is a blessing, an incredible blessing no one should take forgranted. I will never take it forgranted. My heart breaks for friends and people out there who want a child so badly and struggle with infertility, adoption whatever it may be to become a parent. I will never know what they go through but now that I have a child of my own I pray for these people daily. 

Parenting may come with its ups and downs but every minute is worth it. I really don't remember what life was like before Emma Kate entered our lives. Someone seriously asked us the the other day if life was so different now and my husband and I both said we don't even remember what it was like before. I don't remember the woman I was before, it's like part of becoming a mother helps you find a part of yourself you never knew was there. 

And today I want to give a #MCM shout out to my amazing husband and daddy to our sweet Emma Kate. I know for him becoming a Daddy has changed his world for the better too. I see a side of my husband I've waited so long to see. I always knew what a great Dad he would be. He is a gentle, loving, compassionate all in kind of man. I am thankful for his constant help, whether it be helping in the middle of the night, to constantly doing things to help around the house to always making sure I get a little "me " time every day. I am also so thankful for the hardworking man he is, and the provider he is to our family. Because of this I am able to stay home and take care of our daughter while also focusing on some of my dreams and things I've been feeling God has called me to do. Kyle you make life so much better, your my best friend, love of my life and one amazing daddy! We love you, and I'm so glad we get to do life together as best friends, husband and wife, and Mommy and Daddy! 


  1. Megan and Kyle - so proud of you as parents. Every child deserves loving parents and Grandparents like Mimi and Papa. Emma Kate is also loved very much by her extended family. She will never lack for love and attention. May God bless your lives as you continue this journey of being parents. My love to the three of you. Grandma and Grandma Gigi.

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